mardi 19 janvier 2016

How to Gain Lean Muscle Fast

It is a well-known fact that muscles that are most used tend to get stronger and muscles, which you don’t use often, get weaker/smaller.

So, it is obvious that we need to make use of the muscles we want make stronger and bigger. Now, there are plenty of sports, exercises, and modalities that will pump blood in your muscles and make them grow bigger.

However, the question that remains unanswered is-“what is the best way to gain muscle fast that make people say “WOW!”? ” Here are some of the best tips to help you get larger and better-toned muscles in the smallest possible time frame:

1. Know the number of calories you need to grow bigger

Your calorie needs depend on your age, gender, current weight and how active your lifestyle is. For the sake of simplicity, multiply your current weight in pounds to 20. If you weigh 130 pounds, that’s 130 x20 = 2600 calories daily. This might come as a shock if you’re not used to eating that much in a day.

2. Exercise big muscle groups to jumpstart the muscle building process

Studies show that training big muscle groups jumpstarts the muscle building process leading to faster and bigger muscle gains. Make sure you involve these muscle groups at least once a week. The largest muscle groups are the leg, back and chest muscles.

3. Lift progressively

As your muscles get used to the heavy load, you may need to shock it by constantly changing the weight you lift. If you used 100 pounds on your bench press during your first week of training, try to add 10 pounds for the second week. Add another 10 pounds on the following week and so on. The same goes for other body parts.

Progressive lifting makes sure that your muscles don’t get complacent and stop growing. The additional weight tells your body to grow more muscle fibers to keep up with the load. Watch yourself get bigger and stronger every week.

4. Alter your exercise routine

If you’re working out three times a day training two body parts, try to spread it to six days working only on one body part per day. If you’re doing chest and biceps on Mondays and back and triceps on Wednesdays, make it chest and triceps then back and biceps. This puts more stress on the common muscle groups (biceps and triceps) forcing your body to grow more muscle fibers.

5. Do partial lifts

Instead of lifting all the way for 3 sets, do it only a third of the way on the first set, two thirds on the second and full lifts in the third. Reverse the load progression so you can lift more weight on the first set and less weight on the second and third.

6. Use Supplements

Supplements, obviously, are not meant to be your only source of nutrients. You can call them helpers because they fill the nutritional gaps. These gaps happen when you are not getting enough nutrients from your diet to coax your body into producing more muscles. Here are some of the well-known supplements easily available in the market:

Whey protein powder

This supplement is almost always a requirement if you want to build big, lean muscles, improve your performance, and lose body fat. Whey protein is an essential part of your muscle building arsenal. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Casein protein

Casein is the twin brother of whey. It’s the other type of protein found in milk. Compared to whey, your body digests casein slower. Taking casein before bedtime prevents catabolism, protecting your hard-earned muscles from being converted to body fuel.


Creatine is one of the most important recent discoveries in the field of sports supplementation. It increases the amount of energy supplied to your muscles so you can do more repetitions and lift heavier weights.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Leucine, valine and isoleucine, together called as branched-chain amino acids are the most essential amino acids for repairing and building muscle tissue.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. It increases the amount of leucine in muscle fibers and decreases muscle breakdown. It has also been proven to boost the immune system.

One bonus tip:

Get Lean

You may think that this contradicts your goal of getting bigger, but this is an essential part in achieving your dream body. You have been eating and lifting heavily to build muscle mass during the first two months of your program, getting lean is now the next phase of your training. Along with bigger muscles, you may also have noticed stubborn fat around your torso, arms and legs. These deposits may have appeared during your mass gaining period because you had to eat insane amounts of food to grow bigger. You need to trim so you can show off those big, hard muscles that you’ve worked so hard for. Here are a couple of tips:

During your rest days, you can do aerobic exercises like running or walking. Doing aerobic exercise is the best way to lose fat. Just don’t do your cardio during weight training days or you may also be burning muscles.


Building muscles that look good will take time. Even when doing everything right, you should anticipate gaining only 5-10 pounds of muscle annually. If you stick to the suggestions mentioned above, you are definitely going to gain good and long lasting muscles in shortest possible time frame. Best wishes and have fun.


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