vendredi 3 juin 2016

Six Supplement Tips For Bodybuilders That They Should Know

Whether you’re a bodybuilder, powerlifter, team sport athlete, or someone who just wants to get stronger and leaner, you’ve likely seen and heard about supplements that will help you reach your goals. You’ve probably also seen the ads in the magazines and online with the big jacked dude or the hot chicks next to whatever product is being advertised along with some hyperbole about how that supplement is the one you need. Before you go ordering everything online at once or running to the vitamin store in your mall and stockpiling for future gains, take heed of these tips because it could save you from wasting time, money, and even prevent you from ruining your reputation.

Talk to your doctor

That paragraph on all the labels or ads about talking to a physician might look like it’s only legal jargon that companies use to protect themselves from a lawsuit but it’s actually legit advice and you need to take it seriously. Many supplements contain a wide variety of ingredients, vitamins, and minerals. You need to know what your body can handle and not handle. If there’s something you would have an allergic reaction from then there would be no need to throw down your hard earned cash on it.

Set an appointment, get a physical done, and talk to your doctor about what supplements you’re considering and why so he or she can give you the information you need to consider before moving forward with your plan. If you feel you need a second opinion, that’s your choice but definitely seek an opinion before moving forward.

Athletes, talk to your organization or league officials

How many times over the years have you turned on your favorite sports show to see highlights and catch breaking news of some pro athlete or top college star being suspended or even dismissed from the team due to testing positive for performance enhancing drugs? Over the last decade it’s become commonplace to see a story like this. When the athlete in question speaks, he normally blames the positive test on a supplement he was taking.

If you’re someone who plays a team sport or is involved competitively with an organization, make a phone call or go to their headquarters and talk to the officials with your organization. Bring some paperwork or keep the info on the product you want to take on your phone so you can pull it up during your discussion. There are some supplements that are perfectly legal to take but your organization may still choose to ban their players from using. If you tested positive for one of these supplements then it would still look like you failed a test for steroids. This could ruin your reputation as a competitive athlete and even affect your long term future. No one wants that for you so for athletes competing under an umbrella league, take the time to talk to someone before making a decision.

Make sure your training and nutrition is on point first

So now you’ve talked to your physician and got the ok for the supplements you’re considering and you now know your league will approve of the products as well. So what else is there? Remember that warning on the bottle about talking to your physician? Well there was likely more to read and it was probably something along the lines of “use this supplement in conjunction with a proper nutrition and exercise program.” I don’t care what the supplement is you’re thinking about, no supplement ever has or ever will replace serious training and dedicated nutrition. If you’re not working out regularly to strengthen your body and if you’re not providing your body with the proper nutrients it needs to not only improve but at the minimum function like it’s supposed to, then guess what? Those supplements you’re buying are going to turn into a waste of cabinet space, time devoted to taking them, and your cash. Make sure that you’re following a sound eating plan and that you’re training as hard as you can regularly and then you can supplements to your overall fitness and performance puzzle.

Determine your goals

The diet is right and the workouts are on point. So what’s left? Now you need to make sure the product you want is going to actually help you get closer to your goals or not. If that cool ad you saw is for a weight loss product that will help you get ripped and ready for the stage then that might be much help to you if your goal is to gain 10 pounds of muscle. So why would you buy it? That doesn’t make any sense. You would likely want products that would help you build muscle or a high calorie supplement that would help you gain extra weight.

If you’re a long distance runner and want to increase your energy then perhaps you should take a supplement that would help provide you with energy before the run or if you’re an athlete who starts out great but need something for the middle of the session so you can finish strong then an intra-workout supplement might do the trick for you. Choose your supplements carefully so they will work for you.

Do your research

Now this is where you’re validating whether the products are worth the hype of if they’re a bust. You should invest some time into researching the products you want as well as the key ingredients that are advertised to be in it. If you see red flags and think that the ingredients wouldn’t be worth the investment, stop where you are and stop looking for something else.

If the product checks out, look for customer reviews from a reputable source and see what they are saying. If you can find somewhere that posts reviews or analysis and you like what you see, then you can feel a little better about clearing out cabinet space.

Determine your budget

Supplements can be great but they can also be expensive. At this point you need to determine how much you can spend and how often so you won’t break your budget. This is an investment in your health and if you followed all of the above steps to this point then you should see a good return on that investment in the form of improved physique, performance, and health. However it shouldn’t come down to buying supplements or paying your bills. At the end of the day, the products simply aren’t worth that. Also if it comes down to buying the hot product on sale or getting your food, food wins every time because as we covered earlier, nutrition is more important than supplementation. Once you have the numbers figured out, spend accordingly and search around for the lowest prices before clicking “checkout” or going up to the register.


The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar business that has boomed over the last couple of decades. You can’t go anywhere without seeing some ad for the “next big thing” that will help you become the beauty or beast you always wanted to be. However before you go grabbing for your wallet to dig out your credit card or cash, take some time to follow these tips above and one of two things will happen. Either you’ll figure out you don’t really need it and will save your money for something that will serve you better or you’ll learn that you’re making a wise investment and will see the gains you seek and will be glad you got whatever it is you want. Regardless of what the outcome is, you’ll still be glad you didn’t make a rash decision.

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