mardi 24 mai 2016

How To Perform Handstand Push Ups

Sample Handstand Push Up Workout Progression

Note: you have to be in pretty good shape just to be able to get into the handstand push up position. If you are not strong enough to get into position, then simply work on performing regular push ups on the floor and build up your strength gradually overtime.

Prior to each workout warm up your shoulder by doing arm circles, some regular push ups on the floor, and rotator cuff rotations. You can check out my rotator cuff workout article for some examples.

Week 1:

Every second day practice getting into the handstand position and just holding yourself up at arms length. Perform 2-3 sets and work up to doing 30 second holds.

Week 2:

Every second day perform short, partial range of motion handstand push ups. Perform 2 sets and work up to doing 25+ reps per set.

Afterwards finish off with a 30-60 second static handstand push up hold at the top.

Week 3:

Every second day perform 2-3 sets of 25 reps. The first 20 reps should be short partial range of motion pumping reps, and then for the last 5 reps try to go deeper.

Afterwards finish off with a 30-60 second static handstand push up hold at the top.

Week 4:

Every second day perform 1 set of 25+ short partial range of motion reps. This is kind of used as a “warm up” set. And then perform 2 sets of as many full range of motion hand stand push ups as you can do, touching your head to the floor each time.

Afterwards finish off with a 30-60 second static handstand push up hold at the top.

This is a basic beginners guide to handstand push ups. There are several different variations that you can incorporate into your workouts as you become more advanced. Such as doing them facing away from the wall, doing them free standing, doing them with your hands elevated on blocks to increase the range of motion, etc...

If you would like more tips on how to improve your upper body strength and muscle mass, then you should check out the newly revised 2008 edition of the “Blast Your Bench” program.

The “Blast Your Bench” program will help you build solid strength and rock hard muscle mass faster than you ever thought possible... In fact by following this proven training system you could literally make better gains in the next few weeks, then most guys make in an entire year.

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