vendredi 13 mai 2016


Avoid these mistakes to build more strength and size and prevent injuries.

    The bench press is the best exercise to build a strong and massive upper-body. But take heed because bad technique can lead to aches, missed gym time, and even serious injuries.

Great lifters spend a lot of time perfecting their bench press technique because they know they need to use the right muscles, get into the correct positions, and make the barbell move on the most efficient path possible. The further you stray, however, the more strength you’ll lose and the higher your risk of a torn pec or strained shoulder.

Avoid these five worst, yet surprisingly common, bench press mistakes and learn exactly how you can fix them to build a barrel chest without the pain.


When you bench press with your elbows directly out to the sides, you put tremendous strain on your shoulder capsules and elbows. From a bird’s-eye view, this mistake also shifts the barbell path over your collarbones instead of over your sternum, which increases the distance the bar has to travel.

Instead, grip the barbell slightly narrower and keep your elbows closer to your ribcage as you descend. From overhead, you want your upper-arms to form a 45-degree angle with your torso.


At the bottom portion of the bench press, don’t bounce the bar on your body — this cheats the movement by creating momentum to make the barbell easier to lift. You can also hurt your ribcage if the weight is heavy enough.

If you have to bounce the barbell, chances are it's too heavy. Reduce the weight and lightly touch the barbell on your body; to emphasize strength, pause the barbell on your chest before pushing.


The bench press demands more than just laying on a bench and pushing weight; you need to create a solid, stable foundation to push from and make the lift as biomechanically efficient as possible.
Not sliding your shoulder blades together will reduce your chest activation and force the shoulders to do more work. It’ll also sink your chest and increase the distance the bar as to travel, which makes the press harder. Always lock your shoulder blades down and back while benching.


Without a liftoff, it’s hard to bring the barbell to the starting position without undoing your posture. For example, to lift the weight up and out of the pins, your shoulders will round forward and your upper-back tension will disappear — once you hold the weight over your body, it’s hard to pull your shoulder blades together again.

Instead, get into the right position first — with your shoulder blades pulled down and in — and get a partner to give you the barbell. If you can’t find a spotter, adjust the pins to the height where you don’t need to lose your posture to lift out the barbell. Bench press in the power rack, if necessary.


Once you get your liftoff and hold the bar at the top, resist the urge to go immediately into your bench press.

Pause. Wait one or two seconds. You will sink and lock your body into the bench to create more stability for the press. It’ll also increase the tension throughout your body.


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