lundi 16 mai 2016

Are High Protein Diets Safe?

Since high protein diets limit the quantity of food you take in, you can more often than not lose weight using them. The trouble with these diets is that they cause the body to go into a ketogenic state where it must rely on stored fat for energy, and this is harmful for quite a few reasons. Because the body attempts to get rid of ketones through the liver and kidneys, it places a severe strain on these organs.

We've all heard about high protein diets. You get to consume high fat food, as much of it as you desire – these diets appear too good to be true! A quick look …

• High protein diets are high in fat and calories.
• Science and research have revealed that a high fat diet can cause heart disease, osteoporosis, kidney stones, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and even loss of life.
• Research has shown that protein diets do not result in more weight loss than high carbohydrate diets
• Carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables reduce your risk for cancer

Your local bookstore, the Internet, everywhere is flooded with high protein diets. The majority of these diets do not permit carrots or potatoes, but they allow limitless amounts of fat and protein. Having reappeared from their glory days in the 1960s and 70s, high protein diets are fashionable at the moment. The main assertion behind nearly all high-protein diets is that insulin, not calories, makes you fat.

Starting with the efforts of Dr. Robert Atkins in the late sixties, alternative doctors have recommended a protein-centric, low-carb diet as a way to drop weight and feel more energized. They say carbs cause highs and lows in energy levels, in addition to increased manufacture of insulin. Zone advocate Dr. Paul Kahl wrote "elevated insulin combined with excess carbohydrate calories lead to increased triglycerides, obesity, and production of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids."

The American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association and the American Kidney Fund don't recommend high-protein diets for weight loss. Most of these diets aren't balanced in terms of the vital nutrients our bodies require. Getting rid of carbohydrates causes a loss in body fluids, so these diets can result in a rapid drop in weight. However, most Americans already consume more protein than their bodies need.

A number of the current media reports that have publicized the immediate weight loss that sometimes happens with the use of high protein diets have distorted medical details and have disregarded the possible dangers of such diets. The ingestion of fruit, fruit juice, starchy vegetables, beans, bread, rice, cereals, pasta and other grain products, and all other foods containing carbohydrates is removed or radically limited by such plans, leaving an inadequate diet of foods that have chiefly fat and protein: meat, cheese, non-starchy vegetables, and very little else.

Up until now only testimonials and unconfirmed reports, together with advertising and publicity have been offered as proof that these diets work. Only a few studies document the capacity of a high-protein diet to influence body fat loss. The existing recommended daily dietary allowance for protein is 0.8 grams per kg of body weight. Many high protein diets advocate consuming about 2.4 grams per kg, a quantity that may have unsafe side effects, particularly in certain populations.

Protein is a very important nutrient, necessary for your well-being. The average American consumes about twice as much protein as the body in fact needs. Most people are oblivious to the amount of protein and fat contained in the foods they eat. The high intake of protein leaches calcium from the bones, which leads to osteoporosis. Medical data shows that the body gets rid of an average of 1.75 milligrams of calcium in the urine for every 1-gram increase in animal protein ingested.

In people with early problems, high-protein diets can speed up the loss of kidney function. The trouble is, as many as 20 million Americans are in danger of reduced kidney function but don't know it. There are no warning signs attributable to this early kidney disease, but it's very common. Those at highest risk are people with high blood pressure, diabetes, or those older than age 65.

In 2003 the United Kingdom Government's Food Standards Agency issued an official caution saying high protein diets can set off killer diseases. But other experts say that's unscientific garbage. The high protein diets, they claim, are just ordinary eating habits, practiced safely for centuries in traditional societies – from the San of Southern Africa, to the Inuit in Northern Canada, and the Aborigines in Australia who consumed mostly fatty protein, such as meat and fish, with no adverse effects on their health.

The discussions concerning high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets is not expected to subside anytime soon, particularly following information presented to the American Heart Association suggesting a connection between high protein diets and enhanced insulin resistance sensitivity, chiefly in men. Should clinicians persuade their patients who have insulin resistance syndrome to get on high protein diets? For now, the answer is no, until more research is done to determine the long-term effects of these diets.

Fascinatingly, kidney disease is far less frequent in people who eat a vegetable-based diet than it is in people who eat an animal based diet. By substituting animal protein with vegetable protein and replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat, like those found in olive and canola oils, you can keep away from the drawbacks of the usual high-protein diet.

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