jeudi 12 mai 2016

Build Monster Massive Legs With This Workout

    Your next leg day awaits! If you're up to the challenge, this 6-step thigh and glute workout will help you build bigger wheels. Don't fear it. Just try it!

    First things first: You can track down the so-called "World's Best Mass-Building Leg Workout"—yes, it exists—or thousands of lookalikes, but none of them will mean squat, pun intended, if you can't push yourself hard in the gym. On leg day more than any other, effort correlates with success. In order to build bigger legs, hamstrings, and glutes, you must want to quit—and then not succumb to that wish.

    And then, of course, you still need to follow a well-constructed routine. Sure, you can put a hurtin' on your quads with endless triple dropsets of leg extensions that'll surely have you screaming in pain, but that alone isn't going to get you growth. The burn is part of the plan, but not all of it.
The approach here is nothing earth-shattering. It's built around the fundamentals, arranged in time-proven sequences and rep ranges. It's effective, but just to be clear, it's not for beginners. Several of the movements are technically challenging—more than they often get credit for, in the case of back squats and front squats—so you must take the time to become proficient at them before going heavy.


    Warm-up sets are not included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
Choose a weight that allows you to approach muscle failure by the target rep listed. Rest as needed, but try to decrease the amount of rest you need over time.
On exercises 5 and 6, do a double dropset on your final set. That is, once you reach initial muscle failure, quickly reduce the load by about 25 percent and continue the set.
Once you reach failure again, do another 25 percent drop and do as many reps as you can.
On the first week of this program, do just 2 sets of the first two exercises to control the degree of muscle soreness, and stop all sets of all movements about a rep short of muscle failure. As you progress, adjust the volume and exercise selection as necessary to ensure you remain within your abilities.


3 sets of 6 reps


3 sets of 10-12 reps


4 sets of 8 reps, 2 sets of 12 reps


3 sets of 8-10 reps per side


3 sets of 10-12 reps, double dropset on last set


3 sets of 8-10 reps, double dropset on last set

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