dimanche 15 mai 2016


Build a neck like an NFL lineman with this crash course in anatomy and training.

For the dedicated strength trainer, clothes matter. For the person who is less dedicated, it may matter even more. Baggy shirts cover up Beiber-like arm development and sweats camouflage your string of forgotten leg days. But a neck like a stack of dimes? Forget about it. Unless you’re living in the polar vortex with a Batman-like wardrobe of thick turtlenecks, there is no running, no hiding – your neck exposed.

A well-developed neck is synonymous with power and commands respect. Yet, very few ever take the time out to address the neck with specific training. By understanding a bit more about the functions of the neck and how it pertains to the rest of your training goals, you can put yourself in a better position to improve these important muscles. Flexion, lateral flexion, extension and rotation, folks – these should make it into your weekly training routine. So go ahead and gather ye turtlenecks where ye may – it’s time to toss them into the giveaway box.


You likely already know that compound movements – exercises requiring movement at more than one joint – provide the most bang for your buck and stimulate all-over muscle growth, fat loss, secretion of anabolic hormones and functional performance benefits. Performing just a few big lifts per workout will equate to gains all over, to an extent.

The neck is an exception.

The average-but-serious strength trainer has a more developed neck than the run-of-the-mill public pencil neck but to truly maximize neck strength and size – as with most muscles you want to bring up, you have to directly train the neck. 

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                                           Source:  http://www.muscleandfitness.com

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