Bad day at
the office? Turn that frown upside down without turning your health upside
down, too. Here are 5 good-for-you foods that will help to boost your mood!
Life throws
stressful circumstances at you every day: traffic, rain, poor Internet
connections, and worst of all, when someone steals your squat rack. How much
any particular aggravator gets you down is highly personal, but sporting a
consistently sour mood can have serious ramifications for your health and
Being the
office grump and having a negative outlook on life has been shown to increase
your risk for heart disease, cancer and overall mortality.1 Even more, the
negative state-of-mind increases the likelihood that you'll favor processed,
high-calorie foods over more nutritious options.2
you have options! Certain foods can help support a positive outlook when you
put them in the rotation regularly. The next time you feel like blowing off the
gym for a night curled up on the couch with a bag of greasy chips, make a
beeline for the grocery store and check out these feel-good items.
Some of us
have known for a long time that chocolate has the power to turn a frown upside
down, but now an increasing amount of research has our back. How? Among its
many nutrients, cacao beans contain a slightly stimulatory, mood-boosting
caffeine derivative called theobromine. Theobromine, a molecule with a
structure similar to caffeine, has been shown to support mood and increase
Swiss scientists showed that eating a little over an ounce of dark
chocolate—the darker the better—daily for two weeks reduced the levels of the
stress hormone cortisol.7
How to use
it to boost your mood: Take cacao beans, pummel them to pieces, and what you
have are crunchy, somewhat bitter cacao nibs. Think of them as a
barely-processed form of dark chocolate, and a more significant source of
feel-good antioxidants. They're great sprinkled on oatmeal, yogurt, cottage
cheese, and even salads.
your fridge well stocked with this green giant could help you jump for joy. A
Harvard School of Public Health study discovered that people with higher blood
concentrations of carotenoids, a category of antioxidant, were more likely to
have an optimistic outlook on life.8 Carotenoids include beta-carotene,
alpha-carotene, lycopene, and lutein, all of which are plant pigments
responsible for the bright hues of various vegetables and fruits. They also
have many immune-strengthening properties.
It just so
happens that kale—as well as most fruits and vegetables—is rich in carotenoids.
It should come as no surprise that in the aforementioned study, vegetable and
fruit intake was a good predictor of carotenoid status.
How to use
it to boost your mood: Kale is a great way to load up on carotenoids, as it
supplies stellar amounts of beta-carotene and lutein. It can be eaten countless
ways. For convenience, you can look for containers of baby kale in the produce
aisle which can go straight from clamshell to salad, stir-fry or smoothie, with
no slicing required.
sweet potato, bell peppers, apricots, spinach, butternut squash, and red
grapefruit are other good sources of carotenoids to help you feel like a
million bucks. Eat them all often!
Mackerel is
a triple threat when it comes to looking on the bright side. For starters,
mackerel is a notable source of polyunsaturated omega-3 fats. Research suggests
that bumping up your intake of these mega-healthy fats may support a positive
Mackerel is
also naturally rich in vitamin D, a rarity in the supermarket. In research
circles, it's becoming clear that having less than optimal levels of vitamin D
can have many negative consequences.11-14
more, this swimmer delivers high amounts of selenium, a mineral found to be
important in supporting positive mood.15 Taking in enough selenium-rich food
helps to maximize the activity of the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Low
levels of this antioxidant may also contribute to emotional distress.16
How to use
it to boost your mood: Smoked mackerel is available to go at many seafood
counters. Use it to infuse a good vibe into salads, scrambled eggs, and
sandwiches. Also, keep an eye out for surprisingly tasty canned mackerel
alongside tuna and salmon.
are increasingly demonstrating a link between our guts and our brains, and the
growing consensus is that having a more robust population of healthy bacteria
in your digestive track may help keep you chipper.
A study in
the International Archives of Medicine reported that women who ate a
probiotic-rich yogurt twice daily for a month experienced less activity in
certain arousal areas of their brains associated with emotional distress.17
Like other
dairy products, tangy kefir is also a good source of vitamin B-12. Researchers
in the Journal of Nutrition found a link between poor vitamin B-12 status and
lowered mood.18
How to use it to boost your mood: Now readily available
alongside yogurt in the dairy aisle, kefir often contains an even larger and
more diverse population of probiotics compared to traditional yogurt, making it
a mind-blowing addition to your grocery cart. Use kefir to bolster protein
shakes or as a replacement for buttermilk in pancake batter. You can even pour
yourself a glass and drink it straight-up.
This ancient
beverage is a great tool for fending off modern-day doldrums. A large review of
studies conducted by researchers in China found that drinking three cups of tea
daily was associated with a positive attitude.20 Further, a report published in
Public Health Nutrition showed that study participants who sipped four or more
cups of green tea daily reported having a more positive mood.21
There could
be a couple of factors at play here. Tea, especially the green variety,
provides catechin antioxidants that have been shown to support brain function
and promote proper balance of the stress hormone cortisol.19 Further, a toasty
mug of tea can supply you with L-theanine, an amino acid that appears to
promote alertness.20
How to use
it to boost your mood: For the best chance of keeping your spirits up, opt for
loose-leaf tea, and steep it in hot but not boiling water for a few minutes so
that more of its mood-enhancing compounds are released. You can also splurge on
matcha tea. This green tea powder is made by grinding up tea leaves, so you end
up with a substantial dose of feel-good compounds like L-theanine and
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